Monday, December 27, 2010
12.23.10 Bringing Home Baby
12.22.10 Falling in Love
12.21.10 Ashlyn is Born!

12.20.10 All Nighter
I suppose this picture was technically taken on the 21st, but since I never went to sleep, I felt this would be okay to use. Jeff and I had really hoped to have the baby today, ever since we found out we were pregnant, we had hoped she would be born on the 20th, so we would have time to get home before Christmas, but yet I would be technically, "full term". I decided to do every old wifes tale I could bear to try and convince Ashlyn to make her big debut. We tried sex, walking for hours upon hours, and lastly I ate an entire pineapple, making my tongue feel like a big dead fish. The only thing I had left was that it was full moon that night, a lunar eclipse in fact. The contractions started about 10pm, and lasted all night. They were consistent, seven minutes apart, but never got more intense or more close together, which frustrated me immensely. They hurt enough I couldn't sleep through them, but no worse then the bogus ones from the weekend that had turned out to be doing nothng to progress my labor. At around 3 am, I decided to try and take a hot bath to help with the uncomfortableness. I got so mad at our poor hot water heater, which couldn't even fill a tub in the cold of the night. I ended up having to shower, but had only cold water left. I was furious, cursing and screaming at the bathroom for existing. I just kept watching the clock tick the minutes past. I had an appt with the doctor first thing in the morning, and I hoped she would say, "Oh my, you need to go to the hospital", but I was so defeated that I knew this would never happen. I was going to be pregnant forever. And tired. And cranky.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
12.19.10 Hospital and a Party!?

Jessica's party was great as always. I gorged on the delicous food. It seems like every year, Jessica jacks my ornament at the last minute. This year was no I chose to use the pic of her smiling with what should have been my ornament! I guess since she is the hostess I won't complain too much, and I did end up with a cute ornament also. I just love this party!
12.18.10 Decorating Sugar Cookies

12.17.10 Pedicure Day
12.16.10 Santa and more trains!

12.15.10 Lights? Pretty...
12.14.10 Train?
12.13.10 1st Trip to L&D

After Jakob's bday party excitement, I was getting ready for bed and realized I hadn't felt the baby move all day. Not unusual since I wasn't focusing on my belly at all throughout the day. I laid down and drank some water in prep for bed, and waited for the kicks to start. The doctor said if there are ever less than 4 an hour to call immeadiately. I waited and waited. Usually the movements start a few minutes after settling in. At 45 minutes, I had still felt no movement, I called Jeff in because I was starting to freak out. He laid beside me with his hand on my belly and tried talking to her...nothing. Finally at an hour and fifteen minutes, still having felt nothing...I decided to call the doctor. Byt his point it was after midnight, but I was officially concerned. SO was the doctor, and she told us to go to the hospital to get checked out just to be safe. My sister came over to sit with Jakob (he was asleep of course). As soon as they got us hooked up to the monitors at the hospital, the baby started wiggling all around. Everything was great, and I felt like an idiot. She kept stressing to me how important it is to call or come in though if you are not feeling movement and how I shouldn't feel bad. It was almost 4 by the time we got home and to bed. What a long night.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
12.12.10 Jakob's Bday Party
12.11.10 Officially 2!
12.10.10 Jakob takes a maternity photo!
12.9.10 Jakob's 2 Year Portraits
12.8.10 Baby Date!
12.7.10 Oh, what a beautiful morning!
12.6.10 Throwing in the Towel
After having to suddenly leave work twice last week for doctor's appointments, Saturday my feet swelled up to this monstrosity. You can't even call them cankles because my ankles are actually BIGGER than anything else. Its like they were broken, or hit with a baseball bat. Plus, it's hard to see, but half of my leg is red like it is sunburned, whcih could be a sign of blood clots (rare, but something they of course wanted me to get checked out). So Monday when the swelling had not gone back down, I called and had to leave work again. I am so stressed from everything and feel so guilty everyday abandoning my job at the last minute, that despite my strong desire to make it the last two weeks of work, I decided it was time to start my maternity leave. My boss was very understanding, as was my wonderful husband who said the exact right thing, as always, when it matters. I left at noon, and despite the sweilling, felt some relief from the pressure.
12.5.10 Maternity Pics

12.4.10 Tories B-day Party
12.3.10 Getting a Haircut!
12.2.10 Packing a Bag
12.1.10 The Holding Room
11.30.10 Book Nut
11.29.10 Yeah Waffles!
11.28.10 The Stockings Were Hung
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