So I had to take the van in to get the leather installed (finally!). Jeff and I traded cars so he could take it in for me. When I went to pick up Jakob Thursday in the Caliber (my old car), he threw the biggest fit ever. It took me like 5 minutes to get him off the pavement and into his carseat because he was fighting so much. I was so embarrassed. All the way home he cried and said over and over again, "". The dealership gave us a loaner car while ours is getting worked on, and this is a picture of what it looks like. It is a brand new Dodge Nitro. I really liked the look of this car when we were shopping around, but it does not have a third row seat, so we never really looked at it. After driving it a few days though, I do not like it so much. When I picked up Jakob on Friday though, I told him we had a fake van today (because of course he asked about the van the minute I walked through the door). He seemed okay with this idea, and got peacefully into the Nitro. Now all weekend when he asks about the van I tell him "No honey, we have the fake van this weekend, remember?" When we go somewhere he talks to himself and every once in a while I hear him say "fake van". He cracks me up.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
10.29.10 Jakob's Art
10.28.10 Pumpkin Party!
10.27.10 Hello Finger!
In other news, I got a call from the nurse I saw this weekend, and yes indeed, I do have gestational diabetes once again. The protein count was normal though, so as of yet, no preeclampsia-which is great because it was way too soon! I have to repeat all these tests (minus the three hour four pokes one) everytime I get symptoms though. I have become very lazy at work, and try to stay sitting as much as possible. I don't want to balloon back up, and am really worried about getting put on bedrest and losing pay.
10.26.10 Baby Bedding
10.25.10 The Human Pin Cushion
10.24.10 Thank God for Family

I am so lucky to have both of Jakob's grandparents close, as well as his Tia and Tio. Thanks to them all, I was actually able to stay in bed and relax without worrying about Jakob. I know he had a fun weekend too, spending time with all his loved ones. These are a few pics I just love that my sister took today while Jakob visited her and Tio.
10.23.10 Cereal, from a bowl, with milk?!
10.22.10 Off to see the Doc
My doctor was of course booked solid, so I saw her nurse. When she saw how swollen I was, she was immeadiately concerned. My blood pressure was okay, but my glucose test had come back failed. She did bloodwork to check for pregnancy induced hypertension, started me on a 24 hour collection for protein counts, and told me to stay in bed as much as possible through the weekend. On Monday, I would come back for test results, more tests, and to see how I was doing. I couldn't help but cry even though I knew this would all be coming. I just hate being stressed out and worried, and know what they next two months are going to be like. This is definately the last time I want to be pregnant.
On the funny side, they had a pumpkin contest, and there were some pretty creative entries to look at in the waiting room. This one I thought was great, but the longer I stared at it, the more I flopped about whether it was humorous or offensive. I think I still lean towards humorous, after all it is pretty clever, but at an OBGYN? Hmmm.....
10.21.10 And now we apply pressure...
10.19.10 Napa Valley in the Fog
10.18.10 Daddy Vacation
10.17.10 Breathing Treatments
10.16.10 Baby Shower
My wonderfully awesome friend Megan threw me a baby shower this weekend. It was a small gathering, but fun all the same. A friend from work brought her three boys, so Jakob had fun playing with them and behaved pretty well, considering all the m&m's I saw him being secretly slipped!

Plus I got to squeeze on Finn! He is so adorable and getting big quick!
10.15.10 Another Throwback
10.14.10 Washing Baby Clothes
10.13.10 Visit from Nana
10.12.10 GIMME!
10.11.10 Squirrel Obsession
10.10.10 Dumpster Diving
When we went out to get the mail today, the neighbor two houses down had put this playset in their bulktrash. Jakob noticed it immeadiately and ran to it. So we went up to the door and asked them if it would be all right if we took it. I drug it back to the house, and realized it was so warped, it wouldn't come apart, so it would not fit through any of the gates or doors. Jeff had to pick the whole thing up and throw it over our fence when he got home from work! Our backyard looks like a daycare now, and Jakob refers to it as a park! He doesn't know what to do first when we go out there to play.
10.9.10 Grumps Come in Two's
10.8.10 The New "Man"
Since I took a picture of the van confident it was not what we were going to buy last weekend, I felt it would be silly to take another pic of the samevehichle today after we purchased it! That's right, I am a 30-something soccer with it. I had too. =) I have looked at so many of these stickers comparing options and prices and models and features and on and on, but this one had pretty much everything I had to have, except leather seats, but we worked it into the deal to have the cloth replaced ASAP. And no, I didn't pay sticker price...I got a hookup baby! We all have grown to love the van for sure, but no one more than Jakob, who calls it the "man" and asks me about it first thing after "hi" every day I pick him up from daycare. He loves to push the buttons to open and close his door, and he is so adorable doing it. I never thought I would like driving a minivan, but I must admit, I really do!
Saturday, October 9, 2010
10.7.10 Another Art Wall
One of my favorite projects, as well as the kids, is a tracing packet where they get to design their own monsters. I do it with all grades every year just for fun. This year I picked about 30 of the best and hung them up for the whole school to see outside my room in the hall. It's pretty cute and I love seeing students and teachers alike stopping to admire the art!
10.6.10 Jakob's First Photo
10.5.10 Finally Cool Weather!
10.4.10 State Fair
One of our favorite days of the year is our annual trip to the State Fair, and this year was no exception. Jakob had such a good time, especially looking at cars. He was so funny because he refused to sit anywhere but the drivers seat, and would run to every car to sit in it. We made him sit in the back of one of the minivans though, since we were trying to shop a little too, but he loved it....he loves minivans! We ended the night on the midway, where he was overwhlemed by the lights and the rides and the games-of course it was also an hour past his bedtime. We knew he wouldn't ride any of the rides, but thought maybe we could do a fun house with him. Unfortunately he was about 4 inches to short. He got to try his first taste of cotton candy too, which he thought was funny, but wasn't all that crazy about eating it. All day I had seen people carrying these big fat ball farm animals (sheeps and cows) and I wanted to win one desperately for Ashlyn's room, since it has a farm theme. When I found a game with them, I tried three times to win (at $5 a piece). Finally I asked the carnie what I had to do to get a prize, or how many times I had to play before he took pity on my unborn child. It was very shady, and he basically let me slip him $5 cash for an "instant win". It was the most corrupt thing I have ever done at the fair, buying a prize from a carnie! I was so happy though. The pigs looked too bright pink, I could have swore they were more pastel, so I chose the cow instead. As we walked away, about twenty feet later, I see another game with the same stuffed animals, only sliughtly different-or way cuter! The colors were more accurate, and I immeadiately realized they were the ones I had been seeing all day. I was so mad that my shady deal had went south. What can you do though? I paid $20 for the wrong fat farm animal! Boo!
10.3.10 Moody Family Reunion
10.2.10 The Arboretum

10.1.10 A Bunny for Baby
9.30.10 Weekend Test Drive
9.29.10 Another Package
9.28.10 Blast from the Past
9.27.10 Nature Hike
Jeff has been wanting to take Jakob on a hike on some trails lately, so today after work, we did just that. I don't think Jakob was that impressed, but he still had fun. He found a stick and carried it for most of the hike. At the beginning/end of the trail, there was a crummy playground, and of course he wanted to play on it. Despite our awesome supervision, he managed to fall off of the thing from about three feet in the air. It was pretty scary, but luckily the only thing that he seemed to hurt was his pride. After a quick hug and check, he was squirming to get out of daddy's arms and run back up the stairs to go down the slide again. HE may not have been scared to go back up, but we will not be taking him to that park again since it is not safe.
9.26.10 Inspired and Lucky Again
9.25.10 Jakob's New Ride
9.24.10 Dallas World Aquarium
9.23.10 The Stripes
Friday, October 8, 2010
9.22.10 Yellow!
9.21.10 Let the Painting Commence!
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