We finally finished our second unit at school, so it was time to change out the art gallery wall. I have not had time during the work week, and I promised the kids it would get done over Thanksgiving break. Since I have no business standing on chairs and reaching up high, I forced Jeff to help me this time around. I told him it would take us about 3 hours, but he didn't believe me. It took four. =) I am so glad its done and he didn't even complain too much, except to say, "After Ashlyn is born you will be able to do this on your own right?" While we worked, we let Jakob play with markers on a poster board and my dry erase board. That is probably what the picture should have been because the kid must have had 25 markers open and in his lap, and was COVERED in ink by the time we left. He managed to entertain himself the whole time though, impressive for a two year old.
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