Monday, February 15, 2010

2.15.10 Playing with Cubby

As most of my evenings go, I spent it playing with Jakob. He was fun tonight, and even behaved at dinnertime (I know right!?). He has really started enjoying playing with puzzles. He knows which pieces go where, but he can hardly ever turn them correctly to make them fit. It frustrates him so and I hate that there's not much I can do to help him.

This last one is a terrible pic of me, but too funny to not post. Like mommy, like son.

Today is also one week since starting weight watchers and both me and my mom lost 4 pounds each! WOOHOO! Of course then I completely fell off the wagon tonight, probably gaining all four back. Oops. I am ready for another good week though, and am not going to dwell on feeling guilty about one slipup.


  1. Yay for you and your mom!

    Love the pictures!!

  2. Good job. You can make it. I was on a role and lost 3 pounds but then I gained it all back over the weekend.
